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Thank you for submitting your application.


Please let us know if you don't receive an email from us ( within 7 days. 

- An invoice from Square will be sent to your email address if you chose to pay with your credit card. 

- If you chose bank transfer, you will receive an email from with our bank information. 


- カード支払い希望と選択された場合は、Squareよりクレジットカード支払い用請求書をお送りいたします。

- 銀行振込ご希望の場合は、admin@skycounselingtokyo.comより振込み情報をお送りいたします。

Thank you for submitting the registration form and the Confidential Agreement. Registration will be completed after the payment is received.



EFT Japan Workshop Team

EFT ジャパン ワークショップ チーム

 Questions? Contact  here:   |    Made by Eito Kusakabe & Miho Takai

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